Thursday, January 04, 2007

January @ COP

Preaching Rota for January:
Date Passage Preacher
07 January 2007 Acts 1:1-11 Henk B
14 January 2007 Acts 1:12-26 Henk vdM
21 January 2007 Acts 2:1-41 Jacques
28 January 2007 Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-37 and 5:1-10 Jacques

Important dates for January:
08 January 2007 Angus’ Funeral
12 January 2007 Prayer meeting: 06:45 @ Café Forever
14 January 2007 Church Lunch
21 January 2007 Communion

Website and Blog:
The city of Peace Blog has been updated. There are some new photos from the Christmas market, House group meal and Church meal. Thank you Henk vd Meer, Marlene and Sylvie for your contributions. Have a look @
You can also have a look at the website:

Prayer Meeting:
Can you please contact Lynne beforehand about prayer requests for the community?

Christianity Explored:
Here is an opportunity to get answers to the following questions.

Jesus – who is he?
Jesus – why did he come?
Jesus – his death
Jesus – his resurrection
What is Grace?
Exploring Christian life
What is a Christian?

Interested? Please invite your friends to come and attend the sessions on
Wednesdays: 7 – 9pm
Dates: 21/2; 28/2; 7/3; 14/3; 21/3; 28/3;
11/4; 18/4; 25/4; 2/5
Contact Henk @ Café Forever for more details or to book your place.

House Group:
Watch this space.

Coffee and tea rota:
Watch this space.

City of Peace Christmas Service

City of Peace had a Christmas lunch at Cafe Forever, where it meets in Crossharbour, on Sunday 17th December 2006. It was successful and very good fun! Some people stayed for lunch after the morning church service, whereas others joined us after. There were quite a few people, and many children too. We started with a game where each group had to build the tallest tower with only a pack of matches and blue tack. We were all very competitive, adults and children alike... The lunch was prepared by some people from City of Peace, and it was delicious. I will remember good discussions over lunch with friends but also people I had never met before. That was definitely the best part, getting to know people better and talking about Christmas. Everyone seemed happy and seemed to have had a good time. Well done for such a nice time after the business of the week. - Sylvie Langlaude

House Group Christmas Dinner 2006

The House Group Christmas Dinner at the Orange Room: 19/12/2006

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas Market 14 & 15 December 2006

Every year Cafe Forever hosts a Christmas market. City of Peace runs one of the stalls, but the members are involved in several ways. Enjoy the photos of this year's market.

The City of Peace stall.

Carol singers.

Time to go home.